Life After Divorce or Break-up


Has a Divorce or Breakup left you feeling heart broken, angry, lost, with little faith and unsure about your future? Are you ready to rediscover yourself, find your Joy again, believe in yourself and bounce back better than you were before with a clear vision of the new life you want to live?



Divorce sucks!  One day you’re saying “I do” and madly in love, then a few months or years down the road you’re wondering what the heck just happened.  The person you imagined spending the rest of your life with is now gone, and you co-mingled so much of yourself into your partner’s dreams and desires you forgot your own.  You begin to realize you became who you thought everyone needed you to be.  

It’s a sobering moment to sit alone and ask who am I?  Will my broken heart ever heal?  How did I get here?  How will I survive on my own?  Will I ever fall in love again?  Will I ever trust again?  Will I ever be able to dream again?  Why am I here?  You experience a wide range of emotions like anger, loneliness, sadness, a sense of betrayal, stress, anxiety, depression and self-pity.  It’s normal to do so, however it’s NOT normal or healthy to stay there too long. 

 There is no definitive answer as to how long it takes to get over a divorce or breakup. It depends on many factors. On average, therapists say that it takes one year for every five to seven years of marriage for you to fully get over a divorce and move on.

 The practices taught in the classes and programs I created are practices I used to bounce back better after my own traumatic divorce after being married over 14 years.  I openly share how devastating and difficult it was, and how, looking back, it is now the best thing that could’ve happened to me and my personal and spiritual growth.  

 You’ll walk away from these classes and programs feeling renewed, recharged and reset.  You’ll  move from asking “Why me?” to “What’s next?”, more optimistic about the future you now believe you have the power to create.  You’ll learn to trust yourself and build healthy and positive relationships.  You’ll rediscover your true identity, purpose, passions and feel unstoppable.  Best of all, you won’t be alone, I’ll be there with you every step of the way cheering you on! 


How you’ll feel

More Whole, Happy, Peaceful, & Hopeful About Your Future



“Tilde helped me find out who I want to be and where I'm going”

-Maureen Scoville


The Divine Quotient™


Life After Abuse